I admit that I find the Rubaiyat beautiful poetry, though I know it partakes of stereotypes and repetitions about the Middle East, likely magnified by translators. The idea of a paradise of ease, sensuality, wine, and carelessness is just so alluring... The orientalist images from publications of the Rubiayat that we examined in class are especially troubling -- like the one I have included here by Arthur Szyk from the 1946 Heritage Press edition.
My poor efforts to write in the style of the Rubiayat are below. I apologize in advance!
Oh, come with old Khayyam, and leave the Wise
To talk; one thing is certain, that Life flies;
One thing is certain, and the Rest is Lies;
The Flowr that once has blown for ever dies.
Oh, come with Allen Webb, and leave the rest
To study, read and write, prepare the test
One thing is certain, they may pass
But do they really, truly enjoy the class?
A bolt of thunder, and dark skies
Sudden drops of rain around me fly.
I walk, I run, -- ahead the door is neigh
Yet I am soaking, sloshing wet, Oh my!