Ghassan Kanafani has written a disturbing story about four Palestinian refugees seeking work in Kuwait. Geoff Ferris, a former student of mine, has created a web page of useful information about the novel and resources for teachers.
In 1972 Kanafani was killed by a car bomb in Lebanon he was 36 and had young children. His niece was killed with him. According to Wikipedia Mossad has claimed responsibility. Mossad is Israel's intelligence agency and is responsible for intelligence collection, counter-terrorism, covert operations such as paramilitary activities, and the facilitation of Jewish immigration to the land of Israel.
Steven Spielberg's recent film, Munich, explores the actions of Mossad at the time of Kanafani death.
I was curious about the reason for Mossad's assassination of Ghassani Kanafani, and I found out that Mossad killed him for something he didn't do. It was a revenge killing for a massacre at Lod airport done by Japanese terrorists, and because of Ghassani's status as a Palestinian nationalist they saw him a fit target. I don't know if you already knew this, (you probably did)I just thought I'd let you know. I found this info by searching "Ghassani Kanafani assassination"
I didn't know that, thanks for the info, Frankie. The Spielberg film I mention shows just this kind of assassination going on in 1972. I certainly recommend it. Remember Spielberg is Jewish, and, of course, the director also of "Schindler's List."
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