One of the most disturbing things that Jimmy Carter talks about in his book, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, is the building of a wall, or walls, around the Gaza Strip and throughout the West Bank. I tried to see what I could learn about the wall on the internet. One website is the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign with regular news reports on the wall's progress and their succinct Fact Sheet. The Quaker organization, American Friends Service Committee, also has a useful Fact Sheet (AFSC).
There are videos about the wall on U-Tube, including one where a man walks by the wall in his neighborhood, and one where Palestinian youth rap about the wall. There were also a number of videos that added interesting perspectives, including one called If American's Knew what Israel was Doing, News Israel Doesnt' Want You to See, and a debate on Larry King Live between Rabbi Lerner and Dennis Prager.
There is irony and great loss of historical memory in the building of the wall in Palestine. I remember the wall Jewish people were forced to make by the Nazis around the Warsaw Ghetto, where they were squeezed into a confined area, kept from working, starved, and killed.
Just thought I'd let you know that my fiance and I had like a 2 hour debate over the Palestinian/Israeli conflict last night! It was interesting to hear his perspective of Israel-he's in the military and he sees Israel in a very positive light. (Which is probably why it turned into such a long discussion!) Didn't think I'd be spending SO much time on coursework outside of class. :)
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